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Christopher Robin was a happy child with a rich inner world.

When his father, A.A Milne, was exposed to the inner world of his son Christopher, he began to write the story about Christopher and his bear, "Winnie the Pooh". Milan did not imagine that the book would be so successful.

In the project I chose to criticize the way A.A Milan and his wife Daphne took their son's identity and turn him into a product by choosing to use Christopher's real name in "Winnie the Pooh" books. In the project, I was also inspired by the period of World War II, in which Christopher Rubin fought and felt a sense of belonging for the first time in his life.

Christopher's mother was hoping for a girl newborn and was disappointed by the fact that Christopher was a boy, so she used to dress him in a girl's cloth in his childhood. Therefore, I also used female silhouettes in my design.

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